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HHS’ Communities Putting Prevention to Work Initiative

In 2009, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) launched the Communities Putting Prevention to Work (CPPW) initiative with funds provided by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Led by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the initiative supports intensive community approaches to chronic disease prevention and control in selected communities to achieve the following prevention outcomes:

  • Increased physical activity.
  • Improved nutrition.
  • Decreased rates of obesity.
  • Decreased rates of smoking and exposure to second-hand smoke.
  • Through the CPPW initiative, communities and tribes are funded under a two-year cooperative agreement to implement evidence- and practice-based MAPPS (Media, Access, Point of decision information, Price, and Social support services) sustainable strategies that are expected to have lasting effects after the conclusion of the two-year funding period. Funded projects emphasize high-impact and broad-reaching policy, environmental, and systems changes in schools, worksites, healthcare systems, and communities. Over 50 million people―or one in six Americans―live in a city, town, or tribal community that will benefit from this initiative.

    For the CPPW initiative, DB provides expert consultation and specialized technical assistance to the project officers to help grantees effectively implement large-scale, policy-based interventions for improved health behaviors and chronic disease outcomes. DB’s expert consultation and technical assistance includes:

  • Helping to formulate program plans, guidelines, standards, and priorities for a national program.
    Analyzing data and providing recommendations for program planning, execution, and advancement to develop and deliver training on policy and environmental systems change.
  • Developing training strategies and materials.
    Performing policy analyses.
  • Developing strategies that help grantees implement large-scale policy and environmental changes.
    Serving as a liaison across CPPW teams, branches, and divisions.
  • Developing plans and tactics for the delivery of policy and environmental change using various media outlets.
  • Synthesizing content to prepare briefings, talking points, and guidance documents.
  • Developing reports and responses to agency, departmental, and Congressional inquiries on CPPW.
  • Attending and/or participating in CPPW Action Institutes, peer-to-peer grantee meetings, and site visits to grantee locations.
  • Coordinating, organizing, and implementing large-scale CPPW cross-divisional trainings.
  • Developing training content and delivery mechanisms for CPPW grantees.
  • Coordinating and collaborating with national providers to enhance, accelerate, and expand technical assistance.
  • Home page photo courtesy of the National Cancer Institute.